
Siobhan, I want to thank you for all the great information you have provided, I’m reviewing it and look forward to gathering as much information as possible for my interview.


Hi Siobhan: I attended your SER Executive Interview Coaching Lab presentation today. I admit that I went in a little apprehensive, but it was awesome. I’m one of those people that have rarely interviewed and rely on reputation. Frankly, I wasn’t looking to change positions, but after researching some new companies way of AI/ML cloud...


The SER LEAP Executive Interview Coaching this last week renewed my tenacity, belief that anything is possible, and profound respect for the unique contributions we all have to offer have been time-tested across both mature and emerging global markets. A key strength is that I work diligently to understand how best to motivate people at an...


Siobhan & SER Team, Thank you for designing and leading this coaching session. The guidance, insights, and exercises you both provided were very helpful.


Hands down — no doubts- this was the BEST interview prep I’ve ever received!! Kudos to Siobhan and the SER Team for their stellar leadership acumen in ensuring that every question raised was answered — even if it extended the time commitment. You all are simply awesome! I look forward to continuing working with such a...


Hi Siobhan, I gained a ton of valuable insight from your session and was offered a role at the company I was interviewing.  I wanted to thank you for the insight and for taking the time to create this program, as someone who had not interviewed in many years due to my long tenure at...


Siobhan, I wanted to say thank you so much for your virtual Executive interview coaching longue and tips and tricks. I successfully completed my loop interview and accepted the offer extended to me and will be starting in the very near future. Attending the virtual Executive Interview Coaching Lab helped me prepare for the phone interview and the interview, plus...


Hello Siobhan, I would like to thank-you for a great Executive Interview Coaching session this afternoon. I literally thought that this was meant for me. I have every trait that you mentioned on you slide deck that makes a person great at work but always Short at interview. You gave me a lot to think...


Thank you for hosting the Executive Interview Coaching session yesterday! The content definitely spoke to me. I’ve been promoted internally for the last 6 years from starting hourly to Director level managing a huge team. While I’ve helped to hire many marketers and have delivered results for my company, I am rusty on my own interview skills!...


That SER Executive Interview Coaching session was amazing. Very helpful. Thank you!

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