
Hi Siobhan, I just wanted to drop you a quick note and say thank you for facilitating the virtual Executive interview coaching Lab session yesterday. I really wasn’t sure what to expect, whether it was going to be a previously recorded session, a webinar lead by a virtual assistant or some version of what we may see in the future “metaverse”!
However, I was pleasantly surprised to see your friendly face and welcoming presence in the virtual setting. The guidance and insights you offered yesterday clearly was an indication to me that SER Consulting truly cares about the hiring process and developing leaders. I feel fortunate that I was selected to go onto the next round of interviews with the Amazon team and wanted to thank you personally for making me feel more connected to the culture and vision of the organization. 
Keep making these connections with potential hires because during these times we all know having the personal interaction you shared with us yesterday goes a long way. I hope you and your family have an enjoyable weekend.

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