
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for putting together the very detailed tips and resources material as well as the virtual Executive Interview Coaching Lab Sessions.

I really appreciate you recognizing the need and filling the gap.
Attending your session, definitely made me realize that I was indeed not used to telling my story.
I did not have a prepared pitch to represent my many years of experience or to highlight what I bring to the table. That was the biggest aha moment for me.

And it did trigger me to go back and review my history in order to highlight some of my most impactful contributions. Preparation for the interview was a combination of better understanding of the company, by reviewing the material you shared below as well as actually digging into the online technical learning material, as well as spending time aligning my key contributions to the company values.
It was a tricky balance to give enough information without rambling too long, but giving enough to ensure it was enough to establish above the bar behavior.

In any case, I was a nervous wreck, but completed the loop.
I have learned so much about myself from this process and have definitely gained skills to both think about things in a different way and to represent myself and my story.  Practicing my pitch and knowing my story has given me greater confidence and in a larger way, has helped my know my worth. I am a quiet Leader, and humble enough to at times have doubt, but….Now….I know that I will always question myself not because of any deficiencies but because I strive to learn more and do better and I am now confident in my value.

Thank you for helping me with this journey!!

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